Monday, 1 May 2017

The Advantages and Disadvantages of IVF

Before starting an in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, let's look at what's the advantages and disadvantages of doing IVF.

As a victim of infertility, I always tell myself that by doing IVF, I would be able to getting a brighter child. This motivates me and balanced my emotional while doing IVF.

✔️ Achieving a successful pregnancy for infertile couples
✔️ Gender selection 
✔️ Building a brighter kid
✔️ Helping single women who doesn't want to get married but want to have a kid
✔️ Postpone pregnancy after marriage by freezing their embryos first for career and freedom
✔️ Screening for chromosomal diseases 

✔️ Costly
✔️ No 100% guarantee of success IVF, a highly emotive and stressful experience 
✔️ Associated side effects e.g. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
✔️ Multiple pregnancy 
✔️ Higher chances of prematurity of birth and low birth weight

1 comment:

  1. 婚后以来一直到现在都无法怀孕,曾经和老公商讨过,要不要去试试试管代孕,但是非常多的公司都是代孕不知选那家才是真正的好,经外国朋友的介绍,我选择了一家彼奥泰珂斯研究中心,他告诉我这家的一些服务,有司机载送,提供舒适的住宿,以及丰盛的三餐,最重要的是他们的价格非常合理且便宜。
