Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical practice that’s been around for centuries. Today, there are several types of yoga that vary in difficulty and speed. While different yoga types feel different, they are all extremely beneficial for your mental and physical health.
The great thing about yoga is there are very few limitations to start. You just need a yoga map and simply pick a basic yoga routine (yoga poses for beginners) and follow along at home anytime you like.
The benefits of practicing yoga are as below;
✔️ Better flexibility, posture, balance and sleep(try uttanasana, halasana or savasana)
✔️ More strength and energy(try utthita trikonasana, utkatasana and salabhasana)
✔️ Better circulation(try downward dog, chair and warrior poses), immunity(try bridge, shoulder stands and head stands), respiration(try cow, cobra and gate poses) and memory(try padahastasana)
✔️ Boost your metabolism, improve digestion and weight loss
✔️ Less stress and anxiety
✔️ Provides an inner calmness
✔️ Improves your outlook on life
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