Saturday, 12 August 2017

34 Weeks - Prenatal Check Up (11 Aug 2017)

Yesterday was my 34 weeks prenatal check up. Hubby and I arrived Metro IVF, Puchong branch at 9:30 a.m. I registered myself and heading to do an urine test. It's a negative result. My weight was 64 kg which I'd gained 1 kg in two weeks time. 

I waited around 5-10 mins to see Dr. Siva again this check up as Dr. Tee Swi Peng was not arrives yet and hubby didn't sleep yesterday night, so I wanted to make it quick. First, Dr. Siva would asked how was I feeling the past two weeks. She checked my legs and foots and commented it's better than the last check up. It didn't see any difference to me. Followed up on the last phone call, she said she'd confirmed with Dr. Tee Swi Peng, it's better for me to do an echocardiogram test as I'd a ventricular septal defect (VSD) since I was born. VSD is a hole in the wall (septum) separating the ventricles of the heart. According to my pediatric doctor, the VSD size is like a pen ball size, no treatment is required even though it doesn't close spontaneously. But I still need to do follow up check up and to let doctors know if I'm undergoing any surgery.

Then Dr. Siva did ultrasound screening to check baby's head circumference size, tummy size, leg size and heart beating. She also checked and measured my tummy by her hands. Then she checked my blood pressure, everything was fine. I asked Dr. Siva should I consume extra calcium as my fingers are pain. She claimed that it's quite normal to have it due to the extra fluid in my body. She suggested me to put my hands up on my pillow when I sleep. Besides, I also asked her can I consume red raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil (EPO) and do perineal massage after my 35 weeks pregnancy for easier labour, she said I can drink red raspberry leaf tea but no EPO and massage.

1 comment:

  1. 我啊也是一样不孕有好多年了,都很难改善,去了好几次的试管也都没效,后来选择了这家,我现在的宝宝也快2岁了呀,在这里医生的质量跟本就是高水平的,服务都很到位,而且服务也很细心全面地检验,在这国家的宝宝东西商场都能找到呀,都很方便呢,宝宝的健康也都100%,因为有代孕妈妈的照料下呀,真心推荐你们哦 彼奥德斯待珂研究中心哦.
