Thursday, 30 March 2017

How did I prepared for IVF treatment

After our 1st failed IVF treatment in SJMC in Mar'16, DH and I decided to take a 6 months break to prepare ourselves for 2nd IVF treatment. We have done as below in 6 months period before we start our 2nd IVF treatment in Oct'16;


1. Jogging max. 30 mins - Daily
2. Reduce caffeine drinks e.g. Coffee & tea 
3. Takes supplements (Vit. D3, E, CoQ10, L-Arginine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Carnitine, Blackmores Men's Performance Multi)
4. Wear boxer / loose underwear 
5. Sleep earlier
6. Eat healthy 

1. Acupuncture - Weekly (Xi TCM Centre, SS2)
2. Yoga / Jogging max. 30 mins - Daily
3. No cold drinks 
4. Eat clean / healthy foods e.g. Brown rice, steamed chicken & fish, broccoli, cauliflower, oat (reduce carbohydrates, reduce soy foods, no fast foods, no processed meat, no instant noodles, no spicy/sour foods, no caffeine drinks, no snacks and no sugar)

5. Eat more fruits/ fruits juice e.g. Orange, kiwi, raspberry, blueberries, grapefruit, avocado, Pomegranate, tomato, carrot, green apple, Pear, Grapes, Pineapple and Strawberry 
6. Takes supplements e.g. Blackmores Conceive well gold and Appeton Folic acid 
7. No tight underwear 
8. Sleep earlier ( usually sleep at 11 p.m.)


  1. If you are suffering from infertility problem and looking for the best IVF Centre in India then you can visit Eva Hospital. We provide the best treatment to overcome the problem of infertility with advanced IVF techniques

  2. 我有个朋友无法怀孕的,但是他们选择了代孕机构因为比较安全。现在他们拥有了自己的孩子超开心,如果你们有这样的需要,他也有提供很多的服务例如:司机的载送,漂亮舒适的住宿,丰盛的三餐,推荐你们到彼奥泰珂斯研究中心他们的代孕机构算是世界级别的。

  3. If anyone is seeking for Expedient IVF centre in India then must visit this link and get the excess information on IVF treatment and its cost.

  4. If you are searching for the Best IVF Centre in Moga then you need to visit GCR Memorial Hospital that provides the best IVF Treatment using the latest techniques at the most affordable prices. Click on the link for more details.

  5. IVF treatment is the best way to get rid of infertility problems. You can know more about IVF treatment from our website portal and visit Gomti Thapar Hospital- IVF Centre Moga

  6. he premier IVF center in the city. We are dedicated to providing exceptional infertility care.
